Welcome to Your Bland New World of Consumer Capitalism

what makes a brand a bland is duality: claiming simultaneously to be unique in product, groundbreaking in purpose, and singular in delivery, while slavishly obeying an identikit formula of business model, look and feel, and tone of voice.

Source: Welcome to Your Bland New World of Consumer Capitalism – Bloomberg

On using your talent

Use what talents you possess, the woods will be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.
– Henry van Dyke

A psychoanalytic reading of social media and the death drive

Seymour’s book suggests something worse about us, their Twitter and Facebook interlocutors: That we want to waste our time. That, however much we might complain, we find satisfaction in endless, circular argument. That we get some kind of fulfillment from tedious debates about “free speech” and “cancel culture.” That we seek oblivion in discourse.

Source: A psychoanalytic reading of social media and the death drive – Max Read – Bookforum Magazine

On hackathons

if you’re a company and need your api testing, order $500 worth of pizza and call it a hackathon. job done.

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