- Arvind Mishra: phir haar gaye, hehehe
- Kumar Pat: yaar this is leadership issue, Lalit Modi departure is affecting the entire indian team morale, so sad.
- Arvind Mishra: arrey sala ,,, Masters effect..
on being simple
“I’m a simple man, Hobbes.”
“You?? Yesterday you wanted a nuclear powered car that could turn into a jet with laser-guided heat-seeking missiles!”
“I’m a simple man with complex tastes.”
Source (dead link – http://tinyurl.com/455xtt)
Root of Confusion
- Amit: Are you student?
- Willy: I am on business visa?
- Amit: So you are studying?
- Willy: No I am on B1.
- Amit: So what are you doing?
- Willy: I am working in a chip company.
Art of topic diversion
- Prashant: Amit can you press my legs and I will do same for you. It feels good.
- Amit: It feels good but I think we should sleep down now. (LOL)
Ballmer on Web 2.0 Summit
Battelle: My god, you‘re about to get a thousand e-mails
Ballmer: Maybe one will be worth buying