Okay girlie, we all know that your grandma mysteriously became ill 2 days before your vacation was supposed to start is a crock!!! Could you be more obvious?
– http://www.annoyingcoworker.com/index.php?module=viewcomments&hid=1124
Okay girlie, we all know that your grandma mysteriously became ill 2 days before your vacation was supposed to start is a crock!!! Could you be more obvious?
– http://www.annoyingcoworker.com/index.php?module=viewcomments&hid=1124
sleep, sex, or blogging, choose two.
– http://justinsomnia.org
Age—Baali Umerya
Zodiac sign — Taurus
Height —5 feet 8 inch
Hands – 2
Fingers on both hands—10
Feet -2
Toes of both feet – 10
Tail— I’ve been trying very hard to grow one.
Horns— – None, when i last checked
Brain- Still Searching for it
Teeth —32
Self respect – None
Character -Loose/Cheap
Fav. outfit— underwear or shorts wid buniyan
Complexion—fair (but i dont use mardon waali fairness cream or ladkiyon wali either)
(dead link – http://abhijit.co.in/blog/2007/08/04/if-the-internet-came-to-life/) Source
I can’t even light a fucking cigarette around here without getting fucking busted..
– http://www.kleinedingen.nl/diary/041201.htm