Source: https://www.amazon.com/Router-Guard-Large-WiFi/dp/B07MXD75TR
Source: https://www.amazon.com/Router-Guard-Large-WiFi/dp/B07MXD75TR
My writing process involves writing 5 words, then switching to a different tab as a treat.
My writing process involves writing 5 words, then switching to a different tab as a treat
— Chappell Ellison (@ChappellTracker) November 15, 2020
Prevention is better than Cure. But which one makes a better story? pic.twitter.com/9ANuNfjyKO
— Work Chronicles (@_workchronicles) October 9, 2020
if you’re a company and need your api testing, order $500 worth of pizza and call it a hackathon. job done.
if you're a company and need your api testing, order $500 worth of pizza and call it a hackathon. job done.
— I Am Devloper (@iamdevloper) September 3, 2020
Golf is so weird. Huge swathes of landscape culled and privatised because men are too scared to just ask their friend if they want to go for a walk
Golf is so weird. Huge swathes of landscape culled and privatised because men are too scared to just ask their friend if they want to go for a walk
— Tom Houslay (@tomhouslay) August 29, 2020