Software Burnout Is for Real

Agile was intended to invoke passion for the product. But it is designed to do exactly opposite. With its endless measurements, it takes away the most important nutrient that feeds a programmer: Flow.


Software Is the New Blue Collar


There Are 1000 Ways to do Agile Wrong: And only one way to do it right, which is yet to be invented.

Source: Software Burnout Is for Real – The Startup – Medium

Explaining Software Development Methods By Flying To Mars

a comic for Toggl

Truth be told, there’s no wrong way to manage a big software project (except “moving fast and breaking things” – that one has not aged well). Waterfall may seem rigid and old school, but it’s really just another way of saying “plan ahead”. Agile methods are great for flexibility, as long as someone tells the client when to stop giving feedback.

Source: Explaining Software Development Methods By Flying To Mars [comic] – Toggl Blog

On Agilefall

Agile with a twist of Waterfall, or Agilefall, has two key elements: Combining Agile speed with detailed project planning, and coupling a Waterfall attitude to kick off a new product build with ongoing Agile artifacts.


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