Click to access DIB_DETECTING_AGILE_BS_2018.10.05.PDF
Source: DIB Guide: Detecting Agile BS
I rarely use the term “agile” these days. If I mean “responsive to change” or “adaptive”, I just say those words. If I mean “self-organising”, I say it. If I mean “lightweight”, I say that. If I mean “cynically exploiting a trend to sell certifications”, I say that
I rarely use the term "agile" these days. If I mean "responsive to change" or "adaptive", I just say those words. If I mean "self-organising", I say it. If I mean "lightweight", I say that. If I mean "cynically exploiting a trend to sell certifications", I say that
— Jason Gorman (@jasongorman) September 21, 2018
Source: Developers Should Abandon Agile
The problem with agile (and scrum in particular) is it provides numerous tools for managers to use in bad faith, and few tools for developers to exert upward influence.
The intentional conflating of ‘estimates’ with ‘commitments’ manipulates devs into working extra hours. Any unexpected complexity (inherent to software development) is expected to be internalized by whoever happens to be working on that particular task.
The notion that I need to work the weekend finishing my coworkers’ work if they call in sick 2 days in a row is an extremely fucked idea outside of software.
The agile notion of ‘commitment’ to churning out a specified amount of finished work exactly every 2 weeks is overtly hostile toward developers who want to make long-term decisions about the system.Source
The rush at the end of the sprint to merge a bunch of complicated code together is an immensely complex task that isn’t understood or appreciated by most product owners.
When the people who do the work plan the work, you get better plans
When you plan together, you get happier, more engaged people
Source: Agile Practice Workshop at Eye Care Leaders – Technology
Source 2: Top 3 reasons to do Big Room Planning
Retrospectives are key to #agile’s “inspect and adapt” cycle. Stop skipping yours!