Committing to Excellence

  • Excellence is not a long-term aspiration. Excellence is the ultimate short-term strategy. Excellence is the next five minutes, or not.
  • Excellence is your next conversation. Or not.
  • Excellence is your next meeting. Or not.
  • Excellence is shutting up and listening, really listening. Or not.
  • Excellence is your next customer contact. Or not.
  • Excellence is saying ‘Thank you’ for something “small.” Or not.
  • Excellence is the next time you shoulder responsibility and apologize. Or not.
  • Excellence is pulling out all the stops at warp speed to respond to a screw up. Or not.
  • Excellence is the flowers you brought to work today. Or not.
  • Excellence is lending a hand to an outsider who’s fallen behind schedule. Or not.
  • Excellence is bothering to learn the way the folks in finance (or IS or HR) think. Or not.
  • Excellence is way over-preparing for a three-minute presentation. Or not.
  • Excellence is turning insignificant tasks into models of excellence. Or not.

Source: Committing to Excellence – The Daily Coach

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