The seven deadly sins of programming

  1. Using spaces Instead of tabs. You should always, always use tabs, not spaces.
  2. Using tabs instead of spaces. You should always, always, use spaces.
  3. Not using auto-formatting. Forget all that tabs/spaces rubbish, what’s wrong with you – auto-format your code and then people won’t have to look at your weird ideas about brackets anti spaces.
  4. Using IDES, which have features such as auto-formatting and nicely-coloured buttons. code should be written in vi or Emacs, thus ensuring the purity of the programming experience.
  5. Not using IDES. No-one wants to pay for the time it’s going to take you to type things that you could have done at the click of a button, or scroll up and down using some ridiculous key combination invoked using LISP
  6. Failing to learn C and C++. It’s really important to learn the two absolute essential languages. You think Java is just as good? Fine, write me a real-time control system for racing cars in Java and I’ll believe you.
  7. Learning C or C++ when you could be using something modern like Java instead. Admit it —all your schedules involving C or C++ overrun by five years. And even then the software turns out to have critical flaws that Java would not even have allowed you to create.
  8. Overrunning the end of an array.


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