14% of Bloggers Prefer to Do It in Bed
(My second preference too for blogging)
14% of Bloggers Prefer to Do It in Bed
(My second preference too for blogging)
may the spirit of the season……………….bring u joy & love to cherish always!
– Jo
Q: If you’ve ever stopped blogging for a long period of time, or abandonded a blog, why did you?
I started the blog at the beginning of February 2005. Eleven posts and thirty days later I stopped and didn’t write another post for over a year. What was going through my head when I decided to quit? There was a little bit of “What do I know and who would want to read it?”, definitely. And I think I found the freedom of it very appealing on paper but scary in practice. I had worked for years as a writer, doing tech docs and marketing stuff. I was used to going through multiple drafts and reviews before publishing anything. A direct channel to the world made me feel sort of naked and unprotected. But eventually I started it up again because I felt like I was missing out on connecting with interesting people who were interested in some of the same stuff I was. This turned out to be absolutely true.
(dead link) Why indeed, Darren. Why indeed. (http://www.obviousness.net/2007/01/why-indeed-darren-why-indeed.html)
I blog, therefore I am