This Japanese company is giving non-smokers 6 extra vacation days
Category: work
On talent and team
“It’s not about collecting talent, it’s about building a team.” — Bill Belichick
"It's not about collecting talent, it's about building a team." — Bill Belichick
— Shane Parrish (@ShaneAParrish) February 3, 2018
On Weekend Effect
Workers who feel competent, autonomous, and related, experience more positive emotions, are less burned out, are more committed to their organization, experience more meaning and interest, perform better, and are less absent and less likely to leave their job.
So if your mood is more negative, and if you suffer aches and pain and feel less energetic at work than outside of work, ask yourself three questions. Do I feel competent in my work? Do I have some autonomy to decide how I do my work, when I do it, or even what work I do? Do I have positive and meaningful relationships at work? If the answer to one or more of these questions is “no”, you may have found the key to solving your well-being problem at work.
On company and family
The best companies aren’t families. They’re supporters of families. Allies of families. There to provide healthy, fulfilling work environments so when workers shut their laptops at a reasonable hour, they’re the best husbands, wives, parents, siblings, and children they can be.