How to Save Someone From Drowning 


  1. Remove coat while removing your shoes.
  2. Slip your shirt off your shoulders as you step out of your pants.
  3. Remove your arms from the sleeves of the shirt. (It’s hard to tell from the original illustration, but the figure may be re-buttoning one of the buttons on his shirt here, perhaps to turn it into a more effective towing device.)
  4. Peel off your socks as you clamp your shirt between your teeth.
  5. Jump into the water.
  6. Extend your shirt to the victim to hold onto. Even when you get into the water with the victim, it’s best to have them hold onto something and tow them ashore, rather than getting close enough to get clawed, grabbed, and/or kicked. If you don’t have something to extend to him or her, swim behind them, and wrap your arm around their chest, keeping their head above water. Swim ashore.

Source: How to Save Someone From Drowning | The Art of Manliness

24 Daily Habits That Will Boost Your Intelligence

  1. Come up with 10 ideas every day.
  2. Read the newspaper.
  3. Play devil’s advocate.
  4. Read a chapter in a fiction or non-fiction book.
  5. Instead of watching TV, watch educational videos.
  6. Subscribe to feeds of interesting information.
  7. Check in with your favourite knowledge sources.
  8. Share what you learn with other people.
  9. Make two “To Do” lists: one of work-related skills you want to learn now, and another of things you want to achieve in the future.
  10. Write an “I Did” list.
  11. Start a “Stop Doing” list.
  12. Write down what you learn.
  13. Stimulate your mind.
  14. Take online courses.
  15. Talk to someone you find interesting.
  16. Hang out with people who are smarter than you.
  17. Follow your questions.
  18. Use a word-of-the-day app.
  19. Do something scary.
  20. Explore new areas.
  21. Play “smart” games.
  22. Set aside some time to do nothing.
  23. Adopt a productive hobby.
  24. Apply what you learn.
  25. Exercise, and eat a healthy diet.

Source: 24 Daily Habits That Will Boost Your Intelligence |

Source 2

results of research on happiness over 20 years

People who are surrounded by many happy people and those who are central in the network are more likely to become happy in the future

Source: Dynamic spread of happiness in a large social network: longitudinal analysis over 20 years in the Framingham Heart Study. – PubMed – NCBI

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