- Come up with 10 ideas every day.
- Read the newspaper.
- Play devil’s advocate.
- Read a chapter in a fiction or non-fiction book.
- Instead of watching TV, watch educational videos.
- Subscribe to feeds of interesting information.
- Check in with your favourite knowledge sources.
- Share what you learn with other people.
- Make two “To Do” lists: one of work-related skills you want to learn now, and another of things you want to achieve in the future.
- Write an “I Did” list.
- Start a “Stop Doing” list.
- Write down what you learn.
- Stimulate your mind.
- Take online courses.
- Talk to someone you find interesting.
- Hang out with people who are smarter than you.
- Follow your questions.
- Use a word-of-the-day app.
- Do something scary.
- Explore new areas.
- Play “smart” games.
- Set aside some time to do nothing.
- Adopt a productive hobby.
- Apply what you learn.
- Exercise, and eat a healthy diet.
Source: 24 Daily Habits That Will Boost Your Intelligence | Inc.com