movie theater popcorn should cost less than 10 cents per ounce, meaning that at current prices, we’re paying over 1,200 percent what it’s worth
Movie Theater Popcorn Costs More Than Fillet Mignon [Report]
movie theater popcorn should cost less than 10 cents per ounce, meaning that at current prices, we’re paying over 1,200 percent what it’s worth
Movie Theater Popcorn Costs More Than Fillet Mignon [Report]
Each time, the taxpayer is called on to bail out the crisis, increasingly the major finance institutions. If you had a capitalist economy, you wouldn’t do that. In a capitalist system, that would wipe out the investors, who made risky investments. But the rich and powerful, they don’t want a capitalist system. They want to be able to run to the nanny state, as soon as they are in trouble and get bailed out by the taxpayer. That’s called too big to fail.
– Noam Chomsky
Google is the latest tech company to drop the longstanding wall between anonymous online ad tracking and user’s names.
Source: Google Has Quietly Dropped Ban on Personally Identifiable Web Tracking – ProPublica