On email traveling by distance

“We can’t send mail more than 500 miles,” the chairman explained.

One of the settings that was set to zero was the timeout to connect to the remote SMTP server. Some experimentation established that on this particular machine with its typical load, a zero timeout would abort a connect call in slightly over three milliseconds.

500 mile distance limit for email


#2 – Unix Recovery Legend



What you see in the world around you is a reflection of who you are

This is a story of about two dogs. Both seperately walked into same room. One came out wagging its tail while the other one came growling. A women saw the dogs coming out and was curious to know why the dogs are having different reactions. To her surprise she found a room filled with mirrors. The happy dog found thousand happy dogs smiling at him where as the growling dog found thousand unhappy dogs growling at him. What you see in the world around you is a reflection of who you are.

Source: #2 Inspirational – Superwoman of India

On stories around one Sushi belt

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