Try answering some questions before buying, or even lusting after, a new piece of gear. There are no wrong answers, but the more honest you are, the more likely you’ll be happy with the decision.
- Can I afford this?
- If I buy this, what else am I not buying, like another trip or three?
- How often will I use this in the next year? In the next five years?
- Will this help me do things I can’t do now?
- Will using this gear significantly increase my time outdoors, or increase my enjoyment while I’m there?
- Am I replacing something that’s broken or not meeting my needs?
- How often does that problem happen?
- Is the problem life-threatening, uncomfortable, or just annoying?
- Can I work around the problem with a repair, modification, or change in use?
- Do I really need “the best?” What would be a good second choice?
Source: Buy Less, Do More with Good Enough Gear – Backpacking Light