- Always carry a camera
- It ain’t the camera, it’s the 12 inches behind it (Ansel Adams was right)
- Glass before bodies
- Learning before gear
- Nikon, Canon, Leica, Sony – Nobody who matters cares
- Don’t shoot for free
- Unless it’s your grandmother – jeesh, don’t be so cheap
- Don’t touch the model (seriously, don’t be that guy)
- Sleep in? Lol
- Shooting sunsets is a cliche
- If you don’t like sunset photos, you’re probably already dead
- Nobody cares that you only shoot prime
- Buying gear won’t make you a better photographer
- Except for an 85mm f1.4 – that is a sweet sweet lens
- On a full frame, 20mm for landscapes, 35mm for street, 85mm for portrait, >120 for action.
- Tips like that are a guideline, not a rule, so don’t lose your bananas about it
- Photography competition judges are rarely your potential clients
- Clients have very different tastes to photo competition judges
- Clients have very different tastes to professional photographers
- Get it right in camera
- Nobody gets it right in camera for everything
- When somebody tells you they always get it right in camera, look at their portfolio to see examples of photos that need post-production work
- Post-production is part of the photographic process – you either leave it to factory settings on your camera, or you control it yourself
- Go easy on Photoshop
- Competition? Photojournalist? Don’t remove objects from your photos
- Smoothing skin and making people skinny in Photoshop is a horrible reflection on society
- Literally, no client will ever complain if you skillfully smooth their skin or make them skinnier
- Converging verticals is a photography sin
- Converging verticals look cool as hell
- Regularly help other people learn
- Getting angry at cheaper/free photographers is a waste of time
- Figure out how to charge more, not less
- Regular event photographers need to be fit – you should be too
- When somebody asks for the unedited photos, the answer is no
- If they insist, and you really cannot get out of it, then the price is 10x
- University can teach you how to be an excellent photographer, but there are other ways too
- University probably won’t teach you how to be a good business person
- The second shooter gets paid regardless of whether you do
- When somebody invites you to an event, then casually mentions that you should bring your camera, tell them you are busy that night
- Learn how to shoot in manual
- Know that many pros shoot in aperture priority
- If you post it online, it WILL get stolen
- Photo thieves were probably never going to be a paying client anyway – but chase the ones who might have been
- It’s ok that your camera gear costs more than your car
- Some photographers are all about the technical, some are all about the artistic. There is room for everyone
- Every. Great. Photographer. In. History. Did. Post. Production.
- Look after your camera, but just remember, it’s a tool, not a priceless ancient artefact – it’s gonna get wear and tear
- Nobody knows where lens cloths disappear – carry lots
- Try film photography – you will probably love it
- Stop telling people you only shoot film – nobody cares
- If you ever find yourself using the phrase “real photographers” then give yourself an uppercut
- Everybody struggles to find their own style – it’s part of the journey
- Find your own style
- Own a Russian film camera once – you will love it
- If spending $500 upsets you, don’t enter a camera store
- If spending $5000 upsets you, consider moving to where there is no camera store
- Learn to take criticism gracefully
- Give criticism only when it’s asked for
- 2 Minute noodles can be skillfully prepared when you need to save for the holy trinity of lenses
- Read more
- Practice even more
- People don’t care why you couldn’t get the shot – they simply move on
- Want to shoot a photo you saw? Add your own twist – copying is boring
- Get closer
- Get closer
- Get closer
- If you know who made those previous three rules, you’re probably not a beginner anymore
- You will be somewhat unhappy with your shots from 3 years ago
- Photographing models to meet women is kind of creepy – again, don’t be that guy
- If you are standing on public property, you are almost certainly allowed to photograph anything you like – people, buildings, whatever
- Don’t be a douchebag about that
- Ask before photographing kids
- Preferably ask before photographing adults
- Smile
- Use your feet to zoom in
- There are no rules for photography, but there are laws for physics
- The only person who has to be satisfied with your photography is ultimately you
Source: 77 Life Rules for Photographers | Light Stalking
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